Nissan GQ & GU Y61 PDI Dual Diaphragm Upgraded Brake Booster

PDI 80 series Landcruiser Dual Diaphragm Upgraded Brake Booster.png
PDI 80 series Landcruiser Dual Diaphragm Upgraded Brake Booster.png

Nissan GQ & GU Y61 PDI Dual Diaphragm Upgraded Brake Booster


Using our custom larger diameter dual diaphragm upgraded brake booster will do more to improve the brakes than any other mod. This is because the extra assist, from the booster, will allow increased clamping pressure on the brakes.

We have been providing upgraded brake boosters for a number of years now and they provide greater control and better braking.

This should be considered for those with increased towing loads, larger than standard tyres or GVM upgrades.

These will be available for sending out from late September 2024

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These are suitable for installation on both the petrol and diesel models, with and without ABS. It is likely this is going to be the first time you have felt the ABS unit function on the bitumen. For those fitting to petrol models we suggest and additional vacuum reservoir be added to ensure the booster is able to provide full assist for a period after the engine is turned off or if being driven enthusiastically where vacuum build up is limited.

We recommend these be installed with braided brake lines as line pressure will be increased and the standard lines may be compromised if still original. This is both due to age and the potential for damage as they are fitted to a 4WD. Installing braided lines will also give a better result as factory flexible lines bulge and reduce effective application of the pedal.